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IN the beginning was the word, and the word was completed.
Birth of Nour Alwadi centre for special needs.
Few years ago, the business man, Engineer Bourhan Wahib Dahma had a dream of supporting disabled children with different disabilities, but unfortunately he couldn't achieve his dream because of the shortage in one of its criteria.
God's will paved the way for the birth of Nour alWadi centre, when Eng. Bourhan Dahma met his friend DR. Albert Abdul Messiah and that was the gathering between honest intentions and the criteria to succeed the project.
The Two friends agreed on the strategy of applying this project by distributing roles and responsibilities. Eng. Bourhan will support the project financially by providing the location in 3en al3ajouz village ( grounds and apartments) and equipping them properly according to the technical conditions.
While Dr. Alber will give hand in the necessary experience through his skills and the good relationships he has with society and his membership in the comittee of Alard centre.
He will provide the centre with the programs and the international and specialized methods.
Also Dr. Alber will provide the centre with qualified lecturers to train local cadres by holding training courses( theoretically and practically) for the supervisors who will be chosen from the valley's youngsters to teach them the ways of dealing with disabled and developing them intellectually and academically also developing them socially and vocationally to be active citizens in the society.
Previously, Dr.Albert has met Mrs. Jenviav Al shami whom, like everyone carries noble values, always aimed to see such a project like this one, cares about disabled in alNadara valley. She was eager to help Dr. Alber, so she visited the needed people and evaluated their way of life then Dr. Albert and mrs. Genviave end up with 85 families.
Finally, all the efforts succeeded and the star of Nour alWadi project brighten up in the valley, when they put this noble project under the patronage of Akkar's parish and under the patronage of bishop Elia Tou3meh who is famous in his nobility and his care about the charity works , helping people in need and adopting any noble human work.
That was the start of the centre and Nour alWdi centre for disabled has been established after the cohesion of all its figures.
- bishop Elia Tou3meh , establisher and head of directorate administrative board of Nour Alwadi centre for special needs.
( Al housn bishop) representative of Akkar parish .
teacher in Balamand university in Lebanon.
- Eng. Bourhan Waheeb Dahma, establisher, funder and member of directorate administrative board of Nour AlWdi centre for special needs.
Engineer, business man and General Manager of Dahma company for medicine and cosmetic (Al Balssam), Member in board of directorates and trustees of Alwadi national private University.
- Dr. Albert Abdul messiah , establisher and member of board of directors of Nour alwadi centre for special needs, General Manager of the Centre,
dentist(private clinic).
founder and partner in the private Arab university of science and technology and membre of the university board of trustees.
establisher and vice president of Alard association for environment and urban development,
membre and secretary in committee AL ARD center for disabled .
founder and owner of Alajras company for travel and tourism.